MACD 5.bin
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OS/2 REXX Batch file
140 lines
/* This script will back up my 5 source code directories to a floppy disk.
I keep the source code for MegaD in MD: MDP: COM: SP: and RX:.
If you should want to use this script to backup a directory you should
change the directory names to something more useful. The script expect
a blank disk or a disk that has only been used by this script.
Do not create your own directory on this disk or the script will fail.
lhaFileName = "odds&ends:commands/lha"
options results
signal on syntax
if ~show("L","rexxsupport.library") then call addlib"rexxsupport.library",0,-30
address MEGAD
dbug TRUE
freevolumes /* clear out the directory buffers and close directory windows */
/* be sure that the sort is on Name */
"MenuCheck 'show,sort on,name' Check"
diskin /* wait for a disk to be inserted into a drive. The script expect DF0: */
if result = "ABORT" then exit /* user closed window */
"Mark DF0:" /* Load the disk in drive DF0: and keep track of it for ARexx calls */
if result == "" then exit /* the root disk directory did not load */
volumename = result /* keep track of the real volume name */
dest TRUE /* Select the Dest gadget of the Marked window */
dirname = date(s) /* get the current date from ARexx to use as a directory name */
unselectItem "'"dirname"'" /* check for directory with this name */
if result ~= "" then do /* The directory already exsist */
say dirname "exist, can not create directory"
exit 0
/* before we add this directory lets find out what the last date was */
selDir /* select all directories in all open directory windows */
lastdir = ""
do forever
nextItem name clear /* get the next selected item and unselect it */
if result = "" then leave /* no more selected directories */
lastdir = result /* Save the last directory name */
if lastdir ~= "" then do /* The name of the directory are sorted dates */
lastdir = right(lastdir,8) /* grab the last 8 characters of the directory name */
year = substr(lastdir,3,2) /* Pull the pieces out of the name to make */
month = substr(lastdir,5,2) /* a date filter */
day = substr(lastdir,7,2)
CreateDir "'"dirname"'" /* create a directory with the sorted date string */
child "'"dirname"'" /* move to child */
dirname = insert(volumename,dirname)
mark "'"dirname"'" /* mark the child directory */
lock TRUE /* lock the window so we can't lose it,
it is still set as "Dest" */
/* set up the patterns for selecting files */
FreePattern /* start with a blank list */
AddPattern name in md#?.c
AddPattern name in md#?.h
AddPattern name in #?.lnk
AddPattern name in #?.rexx
AddPattern name in smakefile
AddPattern name out #?protos.h /* Please note: You may create as many filters
as you wish with ARexx */
/* if lastdir is not "" then we have already backed up to this disk
I usually back up everything to the first directory of the new backup disk
then each future backup is only of the files changed since the first backup
This way I can recover from one disk and usually have 5 or 6 backup on one disk
if lastdir ~= "" then do
/* we need to move the last sorted directory string around into a
date filter which is the opposite format */
string = insert('-',day) /* add '-' to define Less Than date */
string = insert(string,'-')
string = insert(string,month)
string = insert(string,'-')
string = insert(string,year) /* by now the string should look like -18-12-99 */
AddPattern date out string
/* another note about patterns and ARexx. At this point we have a total of
7 filters, 5 IN type, 2 OUT type, 6 are name filters,
one is a date filter. There is one that will select only the "smakefile"
should one exist. There are no limits to the number of Filters you
wish to use with ARexx.
/* Back up assign directories */
arguments = "md mdp com rx sp"
do while arguments ~= ""
PARSE VAR arguments filename arguments /* pull one of the arguments */
filename = STRIP(filename) /* strip the spaces */
arguments = STRIP(arguments)
assign = insert(filename,':') /* add the ':' for the assigned name */
mark assign /* Open and Mark the Assigned directory */
UsePattern select /* use all of the patterns to select items
in the open directory window */
sourcebytes /* get how many bytes were selected */
bytes = result
if bytes ~= 0 then do /* files were selected by the filters */
/* create a special User gadget to call */
/* A special "Flags to add after Program Name" field to create the .lha flagname
this will create a string that looks somewhat like this:
'a "df0:19921218/md"'
flagname = insert(dirname,'/')
flagname = insert(flagname,filename)
string = insert("a ",'"'flagname'"')
string = insert("UserGadget combineAll MDscreen Execute LHAPACK odds&ends:commands/lha ","'"string"'");
string = insert(string," NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL");
addproctrl string /* this creates LHAPACK */
LHAPACK /* Call the program control we have just added */
delproCtrl LHAPACK /* remove this Program Control */
bytes = bytes%110
Call delay(bytes)/* LHA packs 110 bytes to a floppy per tick (1/50 sec) */
/* or 420 bytes to the ram disk on an A3000/25 */
/* This was added to prevent multiple LHA running trying */
/* to write to one floppy at one time.*/
CloseMark /* close the Marked directory */
UpdateDir /* update the current Dest directory */
exit 0
if(rc ~= 0) then do
say "at syntax"
say "rc = " rc
exit 0